Most of the time we are impervious to how many people we actually affect in our daily lives. This applies to me when writing words on a page and casting them adrift in the massive abyss of the world wide web. As most creative people can tell you, the moment they reach "the zone" of creation, there is a surreal experience. It seems to supersede any knowledge we seem to possess in our limited human state. When we look back at what we lent our hands and mind to construct, almost in disbelief . We are the author or artist but it sees almost foreign. Moreover, it chose us to bring it forth to this realm of existence. It applies to music, painting, writing, building, carpentry, digital media, film.... the list goes on and on.
I am no different. Looking back at the feeble attempt I made to put my words in public view, I was almost cringing, afraid of opening my eyes to see if it really was worth my trying. This lack of confidence allowed me to throw my writing out there and not look back. I could say I tried and not look for validation if I never checked in. Therefore, if I did fail, my fragile ego would not be crushed if I didn't look at the results. Being vulnerable is one of the most frightening things we ever face. Fear that no one would be interested enough to read what I wrote or if it would actually help anyone was the zinger. I was trying to remain disinterested to a fault. Most of us do this in relationships trying not to fall in love for fear the other person will not value our sacrifice and we end up hurt.
Turns out I have some really great friends who have directly approached me to pull my card. Martha is someone who did just that. She informed me that I have made a promise to continue posting and it did indeed matter to her. I have since checked the numbers of how many people have read my whopping 5 posts that I sent out a year ago. I was shocked... and now I understand that it sort of does matter to check in with your progress. This is something I encourage in all my relationships, work life, and personal goals. It stands to reason that motivation for continuing to do what I feel is my purpose I certainly need to know that it is being passed along and my readers do find any help whatsoever in my ramblings.
Thank you to all of my followers who are sticking with me through my stumbling starts and supporting my self proclaimed attempt at making the world a better place by starting with ourselves.
We all have moments where we think we are alone. The truth is we are surrounded by an army of folks who what nothing more than to see us succeed greatly. So I begin again, with humility and thanks. I will continue this amazing adventure of life by posting weekly at minimum. As I write this it strikes me that the word ALIVE is plural not singular. Hmmm. What a concept...
Enhance those around you by just being the truest form of alive possible. Seek and ye shall find... just remember to keep your eyes open along the way, the journey is worth witnessing. If for no other reason than to measure your progress.
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