In my previous blog, "Fake it till you make it" I spoke of changing your feelings by changing your thoughts. You really are what you think. Words are things, they come from your vocal cords and vibrations are transmitted through your body when spoken. Understanding the idea that you are what you think is the key. When you think, the words are still there as well as the thought vibration, they just are not audible to anyone but you. If you don't believe me then try this. Think of the person you love dearly, close your eyes and think the words "I LOVE YOU". Can you hear your inner voice?
Inner chatter goes on whether you realize it or not. Thats the problem. If your not paying attention it can run wild with negative thoughts that you don't even remember. How many times have you looked at yourself in the mirror and gone strait to what you didn't like in the reflection. We are very critical of our selves without realizing the damage it causes. Some of the things I have mentally pointed out to myself I would never say to anyone else, let alone want anyone to say about me. This most often goes unchecked and forgotten. The problem is your conscious mind forgot but your subconscious has the memory of an Elephant. IT NEVER FORGETS. Think of how many times you have been fast asleep and woke up suddenly with the answer to a problem or remembered something you forgot to do at work.
The way to change your circumstances is to change your thoughts. All you have to do is think of anything that you are grateful for. You only have to be positive 51% of the time to tip the scale and shift the energy. Spend your time thinking of everything in your life that you are thankful is part of your experience. Even the things that you don't like as silly as that sounds. The best thing that you can do is to be grateful for the job you have even if its not the job you want. What will happen is the vibrations you send out will bring about the circumstances that cause you to be truly grateful. Try it.
It costs nothing and the worst that can happen to you is your day will be more pleasant. The most amazing thing is you don't have to believe it will work for it to work. It is a fact, like attracts like.
The ideas in this blog come from my on going experiment with finding and developing information to make my life more positive. Anything that I write about I have actually done. These are not new ideas, I am just giving you the information that was most effective in my life and hoping that I translate it well enough to help you do the same. I am especially grateful you are reading it.
Carla Stover
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